What does the Parish Council do?
Kenton Parish Council is a democratically elected body of seven councillors. All the councillors are unpaid volunteers and serve the village by managing the resources of the village such as the cemetery, allotments, car park, the Triangle and a few other small village owned 'green spaces'. The playing field is also managed jointly with the Primary School.
The Parish Council has the power to provide financial support to local projects and community groups through grants. In the past, this has included pre-school projects, twinning activities and maintenance of the Church clock.
The Parish Council is informed about all planning applications within the village. While it has no power of veto or approval, the Parish Council is able to comment on applications, and those comments are taken into consideration by the planning authority, Teignbridge District Council.
The Parish Council is also able to engage with other agencies on matters which affect the whole parish, such as plans for traffic management, transport, highways, regional development and the management of the Exe estuary.
How does it do this?
The funds necessary to undertake the activities of the Parish Council are raised through the precept. This is the demand made by the Parish Council and charged through the Council Tax.
All decisions regarding Parish Council policy, recommendations and spending are made at Parish Council meetings. The agenda for each meeting is publicised on this website and on the Parish Council notice board at least three working days in advance of the meeting to allow village residents who wish to do so to attend the meetings and have their opinions heard.
The Council meets on the second Wednesday of each month (except August and December) at 7.30 pm. in the committee room of Victory Hall. All members of the public are invited to attend the council meetings and there is always an opportunity at the beginning of the meeting for villagers to raise issues of concern.
The Council employs a part time Clerk, who is also the Responsible Financial Officer. The position is currently held by Suzanna Hughes.
You can find out what is going on within the council by accessing the various sections through links on the navigation bar at the top of this page.