Kenton Nature and Green Spaces


 Enhancing biodiversity, our green environment and wellbeing


The aims of the group

"Kenton Nature and Green Spaces (KN&GS) will contribute to enhancing the green spaces in and around the village of Kenton, Devon in accordance with good
environmental practices for the benefit of residents, the natural environment and wildlife, supporting Kenton Parish Council (KPC).


The group may also provide recommendations to KPC about ensuring that their policies and procedures are consistent with good practice in enhancing biodiversity and sustainability with the view to create managed wild/green space, while creating a positive impact on the wellbeing of the village residents.”


The group formed in the autumn of 2024 after consulting with the village on the name of the group and getting support from talented and creative villagers to design a logo.


The group has a core committee, currently with five villagers, In addition the group have got a number of supporters and advisors. KN&GS is linked to Kenton Parish Council and has a champion in the KPC committee.



The initial project for the group has been to enhance the natural space at Harmony Meadow, next to the Cemetery on Mamhead Road. Group members have been meeting the first and third Sundays of the month to put up birdboxes, a hedgehog home, clearing weeds, plan spring planting and improve the walkway through the copse.


The group has also done a couple of litter picks, a community walk, a festive gathering at Rodean and liaised with a tree surgeon regarding trees with ash die back disease at Harmony Meadow, received a grant of £500 from Our Green Future and a young tree from Teignbridge District Council.



The Allotment Association chair has highlighted that they would like to ask if the group can support the Sensory Garden at the allotment site, monthly in the growing season. The group is hoping to have sufficient volunteers to be able to support with this in 2025.


The grant received from Our Green Future is for some of the work outlined above and a picnic bench, we are investigating if one bench could be located at Harmony Meadow and one near the willow trees, off Slittercombe Lane – for anyone to use.


Apart from what is mentioned above, some additional ideas for Harmony Meadow include improving the hedges, taking down defunct bird boxes and improving the existing benches. Our newest core member has experience in making domestic gardens wildlife friendly, so expect some upcoming top tips.


Following the initial few months, we’d like to say thank you for the support from fellow-villagers who have been willing to share their previous experience, knowledge and networks. We have also been very well supported by villagers from many walks of life.