Kenton Village Allotments

kva logoKenton Village Allotments on Mamhead Road, adjacent to the village cemetery, provide a wonderful setting for over 40 fertile plots tended with loving care. In less than four years plot holders have got to grips with their designated areas (some full plots, others smaller) and transformed the corner of what once was a derelict strawberry field into a communal oasis of fruit, vegetables and flowers. It is good to see folk from the village, some of whom without the facility of the allotments would have remained complete strangers, busy carrying out seasonal tasks and learning from each other. Everyone involved has worked hard to transform this area into a real therapeutic village resource.



Allotment Half Plot

People Working

Produce Show


Kenton Village Allotments Association (KVA) hold a number of events each year including a popular summer open day with produce show and several work days to keep the site tidy. Members have contributed to the new Village Farmers’ Market, frequently donated produce to local charities and the harvest festival. The school plot provides an opportunity for children to ‘grow their own’ and eat them during school dinners!

KVA welcome applications from people keen to have an allotment, plots are often available.